Sunday, April 20, 2008


Pain is when your emotions
Fail your words and you have no one for your rescue…

Pain is not doing something that you like
Cos of the fright that you may end-up not being liked
for what you do…

Pain is if you are mistook for what you did
And was never given a chance to undo it…

Pain is when you can’t get a real time-machine
To get back to your golden days and stay there forever…

Pain is when whatever good you try to do
Blows-up big on your face every time without
Failing to leave a never fading scar….

Pain is when you look around to find someone
There’s no one in the near vicinity to understand you…

But Pain really is, when you know that the world’s
Holding a lot more people who are suffering more than you in everyway
Yet, you can’t stop yourself from cribbing!

1 comment:

BRAD said...

Pain really is, when you know that the world’s
Holding a lot more people who are suffering more than you in everyway

absolutely true...if one is a real humanitarian....and I am one such just loved these....thanks a lot for a thought provoking writing