But, the constraints of living in a rented individual house's front portion with nosy & finicky landlords, my mom had kept postponing my wish to be realised. Finally, last weekend I made my way to get what I wanted when we happened to stop by a market road to buy some household essentials that are generally purchased on the platform or roadside small-vendors.
Right opposite to one such vendor, were rows and columns of beautifully adorned, skillfully nurtured, delightfully blooming and happily radiating rose plants....Wwwwhoaa! What a beautiful sight it was....
Amazed with the brilliance of the bright roses, festooned with colorful hibiscus plants dancing to the beats of the mild breeze that was bringing along loads of freshness in the air, my legs automatically sought to the direction of the warmly welcoming roses' family...
Adding more to the ambient atmosphere was the just-about-to-rain dark clouds racing against each other in spreading the grey carpet to shower the city!
I bought 6 rose plants - Red,Yellow,Orange,Pink, Purplish-Red, Orangish-Yellow...
and an orange hibiscus plant, all of them decorating my front veranda bringing in fresh frangrance in the air everytime I open my front door to take a look at them!
I love my plants!
They are simply adorable..... If I were an actor and someone asked me, what would I be if I weren't an actor, I would have proudly told - "I would have owned a nursery of Roses! - All for myself (Sorry, Not For Sale!!)"
I can hear voices calling me "SELFISH"!
More on roses soon.......
Sorry to be discouraging, but you got to be really careful and caring towards Roses in chennai/ hyderabad where u r !
I totally agree! :-)
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